Friday, July 27, 2012

Love Trying SOMETHING Different

Coconut curry-Chicken
Henry came the other day from Salt Lake for work and stopped by to spend some time with me. I really needed to take a break from school and from all the emotions that had been all over me lately. I know is normal to feel upset, disappointed or sad and I usually fight over them and always replace them with other things or by doing the things I love the most but lately I kinda got tired of fighting AND accepted that I was not having a good time and I hated it because life has always been great with me and MY EMOTIONS had been in place. Now I look back and see that I hadn't even finished fighting the first round and I already wanted to feel knockout... No! I cannot do that!

What is the problem? The problem is me! I am so used to the life where everything seems perfect to me and everything seems to be working out amazingly great and there's nothing I have to worry about other than work, giving my best, looking up for better opportunities in life and other random stuff.

Yeah, I love trying new things but is disappointing and hard when they are not how you thought they would be. It's just that I'm experiencing big changes in many aspects of my life that are making me grow up, becoming more like an adult  and overall BRINGING MY FEET BACK TO THE GROUND!!! I'm facing my reality, THIS IS REAL LIFE! This is an opportunity to discover myself more, learn from this and act wisely. Getting used to changes is not always easy to handle. I must say.
Avocado shake

 Henry is really genuine and nice. I like people who is genuine because it shows a lot about who they really are, specially that they are nice because they are just like that, not only to please you. He took me out for dinner to a really nice place from Sri Lanka. It was way good, and there I tried an avocado shake... Huh? Avocado? Yeah, that's what I thought but it was really good! I love trying new things! It turned out that it was as good as I thought it would be! And that makes me happy... Oh they joy of life!

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