Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Met Shaun White:: Once in a lifetime opportunity.

Meeting Shaun White was awesome! He is so rad!
Shaun White laughing with us
Yes, I met Shaun White! Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding.
I went out with my friends yesterday, we went to Midway to see the ice castles and on our way back we decided to stop in Park City for some good pizza. We went to the Pizza and Noodle restaurant on main street. It was around 11PM, the restaurant was closing but they still let us in. We got a table, started laughing and talking when all of a sudden I heard camera flashes near of us so some of my friends saw that a couple was taking pictures with the real and notorious Shaun White. Yes! It was Shaun White, my friends went crazy and I went crazy too haha! :D So we ran very quick to his table to take pictures with him, he was very cool about it. My friends got tons of pictures with him and he was very happy to take pictures with us. I could feel his awesomeness, he is super rad! I admire him for being so talented. He has been an inspiration for many about being persistent on the fulfillment of personal dreams and goals. He had his hair tied up in the first picture we took and after that he said, "Wait, this is so much better," he untied his hair and yeah that was "the flying tomato." 
I met Shaun White, "The Flying Tomato"
We got back to our table and planned on keep talking to him again before we leave, so we did!  : ) He is super nice! I accomplished something in my bucket list. It was great! : ) I got a video with him and more pictures! I will put them on YouTube sometime. Look for it! :D

Dear Shaun White: If you ever see this please contact me and let's meet again! :D