Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mother Land

I wish time would stop going by fast!
Last week was very special, I did something that changed my heart in a way that I cannot explain here. I just hope I can keep up with it. I also went to a new forest close to my house and I was able to see the city from there. It was beautiful!

I'm grateful for my parents efforts, I feel happy they are still alive and that they can spoil me. They are the greatest representation of my Heavenly Father's love. I can now there is a God and that He is my lovely Father because of my parents.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father, I Hear Thy Call

Father, I hear thy call, I turn my thoughts to thee, forsaking all;
Recalling promises we all must keep. I put my hand in thine and go to feed thy sheep.
Lead me to those who seek, and give me faith and strength to boldly speak.
In humble dignity I will proclaim, that men may come to know and love thy holy name.
If there be trials, Lord, to help me grow, if thou wilt guide me I will conquer, this I know!

I will go and do the things which the Lord commandeth, for I know that He giveth no commands to His children, except He prepare a way.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Let It Be

All I truly know is that I love my people, but I also love doing anything to make myself and others happy. I am willing to pay the price for it and I gotta accept the consequences.

I needed a way to fly a little higher, I went up to the clouds because the view was a little nicer.

I just let it be the way it is. Quick moments. Long lasting memories.