Joseph B. Whirtlin said that "the greatest manifestations of love are the simple acts of kindness and caring we extend," so this makes me think about how important is to do little things for this special someone like writing a little note, a letter expressing some feelings or serving this person with sincere intention. I have noticed that love grows so much in a very special way by doing these things. I have felt it even with members of my family.
True love is a process, it requires personal action and it takes time. I think that when someone is truly loving or being loved, can feel that love cares, protects and enriches, which takes to sacrificing for each other.
"Love is far more than physical attraction," said Spencer W. Kimball. I wonder if most couples are really in love or if they understand the kind of love they have for each other.
Many people are in lust, but not in love. Although, they think they are in love.
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