Think about the things you have done, they might not be as awesome as traveling around the world or they might not be as cool as discovering a new galaxy but they made you feel super happy or satisfied when they happened.

I feel very grateful for all the big, small, and kinda small moments that have happened in this year. It seems like every year of my life is getting better and better and that makes me feel very excited to face the future. I wish I could recall all the marvelous things that I have experienced this year right now… Good thing I love to record them in my journal. Just a few of them are coming to my mind right now and I can just break down in tears because those have been pure blessings from God. I know that He answers our prayers; I know there is a God… Everything around us testifies of His existence. Contemplate the sky at night or go up a mountain and look down at everything that your eyes can see and think about how you feel when you see the marvelous creations of this world.
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