Life is great but challenging. I have been thinking a lot about you and in all the things I learned from you so that is why I decided to write to you and thank you for encouraging me to be persistent with Morganne, I didn't understand the real meaning of visiting teaching until my experience with Morganne and your focus in doing visiting teaching. I will remember that for the rest of my life. I really want to help lift someone up and I could understand what Visiting Teaching really is thanks to you.
Also, thank you for all the knowledge you shared with me, I got a lot out of it. You've been a great example of how to magnify a calling. I'm grateful that the Lord gave me the opportunity to serve with you and learn from you. I believe that callings are not given to us necessarily because we are faithful or good people, I have learned that callings are given to us because the Lord wants us to be better and help us keep ourselves in the right path.
I love you and I miss you.
-Claudia R.
I know, moving on is just part of life! |