Friday, October 15, 2010

Never Depressed

Feeling down and blue?

Do the things that you like because they make you happy.
If you like taking pictures, go out and take pictures.
If you like to eat, prepare something or go out and grab something yummy.
If you like chocolate, get chocolate!

Needing to feel happy?
Do the things that make you happy, they will take away your depression.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Story Between My Fingers

Inspired by Gianluca Grignani

I think that our moments together have not been for nothing
You go away from me and what? I won’t fight because of this, you already know it
But at least stay with me more time
I don’t think we could find something better than our romance.
What are you going to do? Just find an excuse and go away
Don’t worry about me, I will write you a couple of songs just to try to hide my emotions
I will think a little bit about the words… I will talk about your smile that opened the doors to my paradise

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Say it with Flowers

Take her flowers tonight before she changes her mind.
Take her flowers that last until you get back.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Love Salt Lake City

Salt Lake is great! I feel that I belong here though I miss El Salvador very much.
I belong to El Salvador but Salt Lake is being great to me and I love everything I have come to learn until now living here by myself.

Thursday, July 22, 2010



Those eyes were only looking straight at me, so I feel I’ve been chosen for this.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yes, I know it…

Whenever I feel the rain on my face…

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Been a Year Now

Hope for the best and do your best.

                      Go after your dreams and don't stop believing!

Don't worry about your fears, overcome them now!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Great Blessing

General conference is amazing. I love it with all my heart and I am so grateful for all the messages that are prepared by special witnesses of Christ.

I have had the opportunity to meet and see many general authorities and that has been super powerful!!! That has been better than meeting anybody else. You can really feel they are chosen.

 I know Jesuschrist lives. He lives, He is my savior and my king. Listening to these men speak is wonderful! I am pretty sure that nobody can listen to messages like this somewhere else. This messages have the power to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Without a Doubt

If I only could choose again… I would choose you without even thinking about it because there’s anything to think about, you have been the best for my heart.
The past is past. LOVE smiling at it!